I want to be able to combine the lower two options of concentric circles and the striations to make more of a traditional Damascus pattern. So far, layering has happened rather than forming the stripes around the circles. Time to play with math (using different methods of combining the noise functions) to see if that will fix all my problems.
Success!! Now to figure out which parameters to promote and where to clamp the values. This happened by piping in a ripple sop in between the multiplication of the UVs and the rotated matrix so that there was already that rippled effect before the striations from the noise happened.
I think this looks much more like real Damascus than the previous renders. It also kinda looks like wood, but there is a node for that so I do not think I will use this as a base for making a wood texture, but rather I will use that node.
I think this looks much more like real Damascus than the previous renders. It also kinda looks like wood, but there is a node for that so I do not think I will use this as a base for making a wood texture, but rather I will use that node.